NEEDED: Gerging dual controller and/or Coax to SAE Connector


Mild Hawg
A shoutout to anyone with knowledge of where to secure one or both of the following BEFORE tomorrow morning ride:

Coax to SAE connector, Have a SAE pigtail already connected. Looking for a SAE end with coax to connect Gerbing gear.

Dual controller with coax connector for Gerbing gear. Have the simple on/off switch. Everything I read says I'll be happier with variable switch.

Need either or both before tomorrow morning a 5am. Any ideas? I live in Foster City. Any brick and mortar store nearby or someone selling their extraneous gear?
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Mild Hawg
Thanks Bill. BMW dealers flank me to the north and south in SF and SJ. Anyone with a closer alternative?

EDIT: BMW SF reports no sae to coax in stock. SJ no answer as yet.
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Mild Hawg
Thanks for suggestions. Still phoning and off to run errands. No luck as yet.

Simple procedure made more difficult by HD's limited tolerances around the battery housing. Easy to MacGyver with time, but given Friday departure, am debating about postponing or riding in usual gear.


Mild Hawg
Tinker to Evers to Chance

Thanks for the suggestions and the mention of Fry's brought the thought of heading to San Mateo Electronics. Old school store that still has tubes for TVs.

Long term solution will be properly ordered parts. Short term will be my currently installed battery tender SAE pigtail to SAE/female cigarette lighter socket to male cirgarette socket that is wired to a two-pronged multipurpose adapter for which I bought a right-angled (all they had) 2.5 coax female connector that in turn accepts the on/off switch male end of wired gear.

Could have spliced some wires, but...this'll work until I can get it right.

Then again, I could burst into flames. :flame


call road riders in san jose. last i checked they had the dual controller and also sell an SAE to COAX specifically gerbing gear.


Mild Hawg
mission accomplished

My patch work quilt design failed, so thanks to "crick". Had put off calling Road Rider as they were a far stretch down south, but sure enough they had both the controller and connector. I'm good to go...tomorrow. :teeth

Thanks for the offer Phil. Maybe someone in the Iron Butt thread could use a single controller?