Need insight about HOA


Well-known member
I need some insight about this situation with my condo's HOA. The thread below is how it started:

Now, they want me to pay 50% of the cost they pay the plumbers to clear the common drain line. Some data:

- The clog is outside of my unit extent per the definition in the condo document so technically I am not responsible for it.
- If they say the the line clogged by users then there are other units above mine could cause it as well.
- I paid out of pocket for all the damages in my unit which are partially caused by the plumbers in order to clear the line.

The money they are asking for is a few hundreds so it's not worth involving a legal battle and a paid lawyer. Since I am still planning to live in the building I am looking for some peaceful mediation and solution. Or not?

Should I suck it up and pay? Should I counter attack and ask them to pay for the damages in my unit?

Your thought?


megalomaniacal troglodyte
Staff member
i didn't read your thread, but my HOA has some very specific rules regarding plumbing that fall outside of the "you are responsible for everything up to the paint" umbrella. For ME, if a clog develops in the branch that services my unit it's my dime, only if the clog is in the main "trunk" line does the HOA take over.

even if there are units above you they may have a separate branch to keep issues just like this separate.

you'd probably have to hire a plumber to come out and prove what pipe it's in, if yours is separate from the other units etc etc... might cost more than the bill. i'd probably just pay it, or offer to split or something


Well-known member
My suggestion:

Ask one of the plumbers you hired to explain in writing that it's likely not your fault (assuming it's not). Mail this to the HOA with a cover letter denying their request, and of course keep copies for yourself. Then if they get ugly about it take them to small claims court.

Doing this now will matter more if the problem recurs in the future.
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Beer Whisperer
If you seriously did have sewage back flowing from another unit, then it's outside your extent of the drain.

As suggested, get the plumber that you hired to put that in writing.

Also, after you've got that in writing, be sure to send them copies of all your receipts for the damages to your unit.

Provide them with all that and ask them if they still want money.