Multiple Aftermarket Motorcycle Companies/Stores Going Out Of Business


Well-known member
Wow.. that blows. Been ordering from TJ through various forums. Good dude. Sad to hear that his business is closing.


Well-known member
A sign of the times.....whatever that means. :(

The sign of the times I've always seen has been "most motorcyclists are cheap fucks". Anybody else remember Road Rider in San Jose?

Bless the 10% of the moto community that are the ADV-bike *bux guys that keep places like Adventure Designs (and others) in business. Most motorcyclists are looking for those discount / closeout prices that are the profit margins that keep the lights on at good retailers (even the online ones).


Riders Discount was super awkward, they misspriced stuff all the time on their ebay account,

like i remember i got crg levers for my 09 r1 for like $16 or something just absolutely ridiculous.

They reaaaaaaaaaalllllly damaged the used suit market, people used to be able to unload used suits for a few hundred bucks, they had brand new suits all the damn time starting under $500

Like it was absurd wtf their pricing was vs the competition.

I easily spent a few g's worth of stuff with them from yamaha r1s to honda groms and everything in between.
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Well-known member
I just picked up a new one piece RST with level 2 armor for $399...
It seems to be well maid and a great value. Bummer they will soon be gone. :(