Motostats 2006


Also it's totally believable that there are more % 40+ year old riders. the baby boomers are getting old but are still pretty virulent.
OK, I know I'm responding to a really old post, and my post is way OT, but damn, this comment really made me laugh.

Was "virulent" a freudian slip?


1 a: marked by a rapid, severe, and destructive course <a virulent infection> b: able to overcome bodily defensive mechanisms : markedly pathogenic <virulent bacteria>2: extremely poisonous or venomous3: full of malice : malignant <virulent racists>4: objectionably harsh or strong <virulent criticism>

I'm assuming you meant "virile":


1: having the nature, properties, or qualities of an adult male; specifically : capable of functioning as a male in copulation2: energetic, vigorous3 a: characteristic of or associated with men : masculine b: having traditionally masculine traits especially to a marked degree4: masterful, forceful