marin headlands offroad trail bike rides


Well-known member
Starting by the GG Bridge and riding the road up to Hawk Hill and down the road to Rodeo Beach is great. Then take the Miwok Trail to Tennessee Valley and back on another trail.


Well-known member
36 mile ride today on the new e-mtb, went from 100% battery to about 5% by end. Some thoughts:

You can hit all the more empty trails that just have a bit too much incline change for regular bikers and hikers.

Counterintuitively, you can afford to be much more polite about slowing for hikers, as conservation of momentum is no longer a concern. The hikers definitely appreciate it.

You can bomb down almost anything

Other MTBers will sometimes give you icy looks but the smug factor is pretty high when you realize how quickly you leave them in the dust
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