M4M Blue Kawi on 101N in San Mateo during the evening


Wow, this is one of the worst I've seen on the road.

I'm going probably 20mph faster than the moderate traffic, then a Blue Kawi passes me with a 25mph delta (and no wave either).

He gets about a quarter mile ahead then there is a big puff of smoke. Apparently a SUV merged in front of the rider, who is doing 45mph faster traffic, and he had to put the brakes on hard to avoid a collision.

When I get up to the scene, the rider is blocking the SUV and giving her shit. He has stopped traffic in 2 lanes while I pass them. She gets around him and drives off with the rider following close behind, and the last I saw the rider got off the highway with the SUV.

I like to go fast and I will give the BARF salute to drivers who get in my way. But stopping traffic then chasing down a female driver is a bit much.

Cool story bro.
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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Sorry, I missed the cut off period to drop off my stool sample and i needed to drop it off with her, excuse me for giving her shit...


The fast moto lanesplitters just have figured out they're not immortal. Sad to say there's 3 kinds of motorcyclist. If you ride long enough it's going down, gone down, and going down again. The older I get, the better at bench racing I become!


Well-known member
Kawi sportbike? If so, I'm not surprised, they tend to be a bit more squidly than the other sportbike brands. YMMV.

Fucking people are so self-absorbed they think everyone should be able to see a guy coming up 45 faster than them. Shit here on the 680 I see people splitting with a 50 mph delta, I shit you not.
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