Livermore PD (silversvs) Recognized for Safety Efforts


I'm very proud to say that silversvs, one of our resident LEO mods, through his efforts, has received some significant recognition for his and his agency's safety efforts.

At the State level, the Livermore PD received 1st place in agency size, the special award for child passenger safety, the special award for motorcycle safety, and the Commissioner's Choice award for best overall traffic safety program in California regardless of agency size.

Today he was informed that they received the special award for motorcycle safety from the national level, meaning they were deemed to have the best motorcycle safety program in the nation!!

State results

National results

We at BARF are honored to have him as a moderator, and to have been of assistance in any small way to help in his safety efforts.

Let's give him some kudos. :applause


Not as fast as I look.
I have said it before and I will say it again: You are one of the best, John. Thank you for all you have done for the motorcycle community. Congratulations on the recognition. You certainly deserve it. :applause


Tasty Pants

Very cool. The livermore safety demos and BARF bash were awesome. :thumbup:ride