Lino Zingapan Jr aka Neuera

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Rest In Peace

We will never forget
Lino Zingapan Jr aka Neuera
Passed away on 7/16/05

Lino Zingapan Jr. was born in the philippines and migrated to the U.S.
with his family in 1993. Since their arrival, they lived in Vallejo
where he attended Springstowne Junior High and Hogan Senior High. A
few years later, Lino graduated from San Francisco State University
with a degree in Business Administration with a Concentration in
Marketing and a Minor in Business Analysis. Lino was a devout Christian
and attended church regularly. He was a part of the Church of Christ (Iglesia
Ni Cristo). Lino's hobbies included riding his motorcycle and playing with
his 1 year old pug, nani.

Please PM silversvs / Enchanter if you have additional information.
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