Leaving the Junction yesterday morning.


Experienced Noob
damn. i was at the junction around 2 230....it was tard day for sure yesterday.

I was there twice yesterday at about 10:30 am and at about 12:30 pm. Coming from the west bay/peninsula, and having never been to the Junction before, it felt like a mini Alice's/STP. Cool place. :thumbup

This was leaving the Junction on my way back home.

(YouTube is still processing the video, so it'll be a few more minutes until the quality improves)



The ass is always greener
Its nice except for the slippery-ass fine gravel all over the back side of Ham toward the top.


Experienced Noob
Its nice except for the slippery-ass fine gravel all over the back side of Ham toward the top.

+ 1 million. That shit was, well, shit. The only good thing about it was that it was darker than the underlying asphalt and so you could easily see it.


i have gas
Nice vid , on the second one that's me and my passenger over by front by the blue ST2 , if i had known you were gonna post it on barf i'da given you the high sign :twofinger
And yes that gray shit was nasty :thumbdown