Is anybody thinking of riding 9 tommorow??


Well-known member
Anybody planning on riding 9 tommorow(Friday 25th)?? It's suppose to rain all weekend:( .... So I'm going to get my fix of 9 tommorow(Friday, 25th)...Let me know if yur going to be up there...


Staff member
I'm taking CSG (Catholic School Girl) to Tahoe this weekend so I'll have to pass. Have fun though - and be sure to post a road report when you get back!


Well-known member
video camera

i've heard u've hooked up a video camera to your tank a few times... You thinking off doing that again!?(except with me infront)
I wana see myself in action and try to find errors in my riding(which i'm sure i have MANY)... For one thing I know i don't hang off the bike enough...

Anyways have fun this weekend....


Staff member
Actually... funny how this stuff happens... I have G-Monie's video camera and I was GOING to put it on the tank last weekend but it didn't work out. So I've never actually filmed any canyon runs. It's high on my To Do list though, especially after hearing about Art's setup. I'd be glad to film ya if I do manage to get something working.

As for hanging off the bike -- that's the LAST thing you should be doing until you get gear w/ pucks!!! :p A buddy of mine put his knee down in blue jeans once and the mark it left on the street was almost as funny and interesting as the hole in his skin.

Blue... blue... blue... white... white... red... red... very patriotic. :eek


Shotline For Mod
Sorry to bastardize 250, but...

theSteveCo said:
I'm taking CSG (Catholic School Girl) to Tahoe this weekend...

theSteveCo said:
Blue... blue... blue... white... white... red... red... very patriotic.:eek:


Well-known member
I wish I would have read this thread earlier I would have rode my bike today and met you guys up there. My boss just took of for the day and the weather looks nice. Have fun and keep the shiny side up.