Important tip: changing from stock to aftermarket brake clutch

Jungle Toy

Repost?!?!....don't care; time for a bump.

Folks, if you are changing from a stock part to an after market clutch line, brake line, slave or master cylinder…anything that carries brake fluid, be warned:
There are almost always incompatibility issues with the banjo bolts & hardware where the stock and aftermarket interface.
In other words, if you are changing just a piece of the system from stock to aftermarket, you are going to need some sort of new banjo hardware that doesn’t come with the part you just bought.
Look for different thread pitch, different throws on the bolt (i.e. aftermarket bolt may bottom out into a stock part leaving the you unable to seal the pathway the fluid travels in), two banjo fittings now sitting where one used to, etc.

Just be warned. It has happened to me too many times. It is not enough to ask the proprietor “Is this everything I need?” Think more specifically:

“Doc, will this Viagra make my pants fit differently?”

You almost have to ask about the banjo hardware at each individual connection.

I’m steaming mad, because now I have my bike all torn apart right before a track day. I’m unable to re-assemble because aftermarket lines do not thread into my stock parts. Work will take me out of town today, so likelihood of getting the new bolt I need is dwindling severely…this after asking specific questions and the shop/vendor making claims of his intent “take good care of me”.

Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! :mad :mad :mad


Well-known member
use the stock banjo bolts if possible.

usually a SS line kit will include the correct fittings and length for your bike. at least i've never had issues unless i used a different set of calipers and m/c from stock