How losing a loved one is like jumping a motorcycle


4 corners island feeler
You're riding along and everything is great. You're together. You see the jump and you're anticipating the fun. It's scary at first, but you've made a decision. You get up to speed, it's fun and exciting. You twist the throttle, you put in to the relationship. The suspension compresses as the pressures of life, your individual differences, and you begin fighting each other. But, then it's over. You're both over your differences, and the smooth sailing of life begins. You're happy, together, everything is beautiful. You're free of the earth and floating on air. You're both hurtling through time and space. So engrossed by each other's presence that you both loose touch with reality, with freinds. Or, you become aware of the beauty around you; the sun is brighter, the grass is greener, the smell of pines, flowers and the dew evaporating from the fields of grass tangle in your nose.
As you reach the apogee of the flight, you want to stay there, suspended, the perfect balance of life and happiness. You never think that it will end. But, then it happens. You're coming down. Your stomach sinks, the brief terror subsides to panic and anticipation of the landing. But, you don't know how it's going to end. You're falling and have little control. Gravity is pulling you down. The gut wrenching feelings of the unforeseeable takes over.
You pray, you plead, you cry, you weep. You clutch to your chest a pillow, a couch cushion, or anything that reminds you of them for comfort. But, it doesn't go away. The crushing pain is still there. It feels like there is nothing to stand on, no floor beneath your feet to stop you from falling. And, you are falling. A bottomless chasm and your chest is heavy with the weight of your loss. And the deeper you fall into the chasm, the greater the crushing weight of reality.

Stay high.

Nemo Brinker

Tonight we ride
Sorry for your grief, man. Well described. Don't forget, as overwhelming as it is, that this part won't be the last...other jumps lie ahead.


AFM #731
Sweetie, my heart is just breaking for you. I know how much pain you're in. I know you have good days and bad, and it sounds like you're at low ebb right now. Hang in there, you know it gets better. Time truly does heal all wounds... it may not take the scars away, but the wounds heal. It WILL get better, I promise!!
I'll call you when I get on the road later tonight. You hang in there, you have a lot of people around you who really care, and you're not facing any of this alone.
Big Hugs! :)


The Kinky BARFette
I'm sorry. It is a tough row to hoe, but lifes endeavors have a way of making things work out for the better. It may not look that way, but something positive always, and I mean always, comes out of every ending. Whether it be a way to manage feelings, meeting someone new, or personal growth, life has a way of making things work out. Feel free to PM me.


Well-known member
Tim, what I tell myself regularly, and lately I've been saying it out loud to friends.
The hole never gets smaller but the sides seem to get less steep over time. Expect to still fall in but crawling out gets a lot easier.


Well-known member
All I can say is: I know how you feel, brother.

Remember the good times and KNOW that she wouldn't want you to be sad. ( imagine if your places were reversed)

Even so, I do still get depressed as heck sometimes.

But life is for the living, so they tell me.

It's been 5 1/2 years for me - so I've now been widowed as long as we were married and I still get choked up thinking about it all.

All I can say is stay healthy, be strong, and hope for better days.
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Well-known member
Panic rev? :(

I confess, I haven't been through exactly what you're going through, but with time, it will sort itself out. Hang in there.