Higgs Boson found......maybe, probably, maybe.


Well-known member
Hopefully the discovery isn't the result of a loose cable like that faster than light neutrino they "discovered" a while back.


Well-known member
It'll take a couple more years to determine if it's really the elusive particle. Maybe it'll be something else...


megalomaniacal troglodyte
Staff member
this kinda makes me want to get two cats, and name them higgs and boson. there will be a shoebox on the shelf named schrodinger


General Menace
Staff member
The official announcement made yesterday. H-B is part of all of us.
Man...there are some smart people working this.


this kinda makes me want to get two cats, and name them higgs and boson. there will be a shoebox on the shelf named schrodinger



You guys shouldn't be so flippant about this, it's a massive achievement.:rofl

Next time I poop a 16 inch turd I am going to send to the Guinness World Records and Nobel. I mean seriously, I read this article and fail to see what this will do to achieve a Star Trekkian Utopia. Nothing in it said the Borg can be defeated We are

I know how it began, from the Clapper, you know clap on clap off

Just wait till the big guy decides to clap off Man O Man then ya got a real story :rofl

Dont get me wrong, science scratch that, MAN has tried to discover how, when, why and if sine we first
  1. climbled out of goo
  2. got put here by aliens
  3. created by an almighty
  4. or as I believe it (Not Really) we are a single cell in another body)

We have speculation, conjecture, hypothesis all a working theory. It makes no difference to me how the entire system got put together. In my Personal Belief it is not by chance this all happened. It did not happen as nothing then became something, just as you take all the pieces of a watch, put them in a box and shake that box for hours, days, months and years that all those pieces will fall into perfect order and become a watch.

Sorry there has to be a watch maker.
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