Hellbeast ID

carries an axe

meat bone meat meat meat
These two harbingers of Doom. What the hell are they?



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Not sure, but it appears your residence is still standing, so you didn't use a sufficient amount of fire to eradicate them...


RIP Bunny
Looks like a common house spider. I have them at my place. I don't mess with them unless they get too damn big. The other one, I'm not sure - looks likda like a water bug but why it would be in your house, I have no idea...

carries an axe

meat bone meat meat meat
Looks like a common house spider. I have them at my place. I don't mess with them unless they get too damn big. The other one, I'm not sure - looks likda like a water bug but why it would be in your house, I have no idea...
I did attachment so you can click on them to make them bigger. look at its fangs! They are fucking huge!


Well-known member
This isn't so bad. I found a scorpion in my house once. Didn't realize we had those here until then..


Well-known member
I had one on the floor in my (home) office like the spider, but it's body was about the size of the last joint on my finger (I have xxl hands) it was about 3 inches long with it's legs.


It's hard to tell from those high quality awesome shots ...

But if I had to guess, it looks like a solpugid. Unless it's a spider, then I need a better picture ..

The other one loss like a cicada. Or a water strider.