Handled -TWT may need a rescue at dogtown (Thanks dravnx!)


Well-known member
TWT got a flat on the smr at the south end of the dogtown straight just north of bolinas. I went home to get my van but was unable to get back to her due to a tree down just south of olema. Went back out toward the freeway but had to stop at home due to power went out, house is flooding so have to manage the generator. Could someone else either save her or post up that she is ok. I dunno her number to verify. Plus she had no signal. So would someone either rescue her or post up that she is ok. The flat was on the rear of a dl1000 vstrom. She didn't have her plug kit and I didn't either cuz I was on my xr with tubes!


AFM #731
I just got off the phone with her. She needs a plug kit and a pump.
She's been out in the weather for 4 hours. A stranger is bringing her to Smiley's Bar in Bolimas, so she can thaw out.
Do I have anyone in that neck of the woods who has a plug kit that can help out?


AFM #731
Just got off the phone with Jeff/Dravnx; he's checking road conditions (since I mentioned a tree being down), and should be rolling out in a few minutes to rescue her!! :banana :hail :love

You gotta love this Forum and all its Angels!!!! :teeth :gsxrgrl


AFM #731
Jeff has rolled out; rescue is in progress! :) :love :banana :hail

I crossposted to angel thread and pm'd gixxergirl.
Fingers crossed.

Thank you so much- Reama was out there for about 4 hours, and if you hadn't pinged me, it may well have been much longer! :thumbup


Well-known member
Nah we're good now, power is back on. And by the way, YAY for my awesome Yamaha 2000 generator...normally it's for tire warmers but today it ran the sump pumps too!

Any update on your angel?

If all else fails, Smiley's has rooms upstairs! Then you could keep on drinking!