*HANDLED* Any BARF Angels around Broken Down? at Napa DMV


Well-known member
If any BARF angels are out there I am broken down in the Napa DMV parking lot. Bike rode fine here but now the engine light and oil light ate on and won’t go away. So the bike won’t start.

Please PM if you can help out with a tow back to SF.

Thank you.


Numbers McGee
Try posting in the stickied thread... I believe the Angel's have notifications set for that thread so they'll contact their list/dispatch someone if need be. Unless this isn't an emergency?


AFM #731
Been on this for the last 30 minutes, and it looks like Dan/Culverdan is going to save the day!!! Woo Hoo Dan, you da man!!!! :love :love :hail :gsxrgrl


AFM #731
Thank you again Connie and Dan! I and the bike are home safe! BARF Angels rule!

So happy Dan was available in the middle of a work day!!! Glad you got home, and I hope the bike is an easy & inexpensive fix!

So awesome to see the community care for its own.

:banana :thumbup

Thanks for teh BARFs so we can!! :love :gsxrgrl
Oh- if Culverdan doesn't have his red Roadside Angel Contributor tag, can you hook him up? :)