Gonzales Dual Sport loop - August 29th


Bay Area Big Thumpers
Since we had to cancel our Dual Sport Extravaganza, I’m planning a one day trip through Salinas Valley. We’ll travel down Highway 1 and meander through farmlands to Gonzales. We’ll grab lunch at a fabulous taqueria then take Gloria Road through pasturelands to Highway 25. We’ll continue through San Juan Bautista and the Gilroy area, up Mount Madonna then loop back toward Santa Cruz. This ride will feature street and dirt sections.

We’ll use appropriate social distancing.

Ride at your own risk. This is not for beginners.

KSU at 9:00 sharp. Mandatory safety meeting at 8:45.

Full gear, please.

RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-Big-Thumpers-Dual-Sport-Group/events/272529233/

Be sure to follow Bay Area Big Thumpers on Instagram and Facebook!