Funny ad..


"the first of his name"
Do you have a problem getting TOO MUCH vajayjay? Then this isn't the bike for you.
However if you want to have bras and panties thrown at you while you cruise the streets, then you'd best listen up.
This is the Motorcycle USA 2011 and 2012 Cruiser of the year (legit, son). Sure it's 1 year old, but it was a demo bike at Munroe Motors till May 5th 2013 and only has 995 miles on it as of today. They say it runs absolutely mint on track and on the street. Oh and it is in MINT condition having completed it's 600 miles service. This thing is a tire burning supermodel on crack. I once had a guy in traffic ask "is that the batman bike?"
Your new monster will break the highest speed limit in US in 2nd gear, and it's a 6 speed. Police helicopter? Come at me bro.
All stock but sounds like Satan banging a hot broad. I'm only selling this bike because I'm getting tired of the constant supply of snatch that follows me around.
If you want to be The Man (or The Woman, coz chicks on bikes are mad hot) this summer then don't hesitate to contact me, ASAP
You get to save 3-4k over a brand new bike which this is :D