Ferrets=Bad Around Baby's


Well-known member

I was doing construction work in Arizona years ago and was living in one of those cabin type motels you rented by the month. One Saturday morning my buddy and I heard a woman screaming outside and went out to find her clutching her baby with bloody ears. They had a pet Ferret and while she was in another room it had got in the baby's crib and chewed off both of its earlobes, I seen it. It escaped out the open door while she was screaming. A bunch of us looked for it but it was never seen again in the time that I was there.

Somewhere out there is a 30 something man with no earlobes.


I see 4 lights!
Never leave a baby alone around any animal or where animals, including beloved pets have access to the baby.

But the people still leave kids in locked cars, back over them in driveways.


Well-known member
Too early for such stories. Round here we stay up very, very, very, very late.



I love Da Whores
Everything about this thread is amusing, except the poor then baby.

Maybe we should have a random thought thread?
We have the "what are thinking right now" thread, but answering posts there is discouraged :dunno
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Well-known member
I'm curious, what happened this morning at 4:30 that reminded you of this story?

I was discussing it elsewhere and just thought I'd copy and paste it here as an fyi. Obviously, I'm on a different schedule than you Mr. Mean Babysitter.

My Grandfather told me when he was a little boy he walked into a baby's room where it was napping and caught a cat up around its face. He was most adamant in saying that they'll suck the air out of their lungs and kill them. I don't doubt he seen the cat in the crib as I never knew him to lie. Other people have told me that's just a myth and that what the cat was really doing was licking the milk from around the babies mouth.


Eschew Obfuscation

mean dad

Well-known member
I was discussing it elsewhere and just thought I'd copy and paste it here as an fyi. Obviously, I'm on a different schedule than you Mr. Mean Babysitter.

My Grandfather told me when he was a little boy he walked into a baby's room where it was napping and caught a cat up around its face. He was most adamant in saying that they'll suck the air out of their lungs and kill them. I don't doubt he seen the cat in the crib as I never knew him to lie. Other people have told me that's just a myth and that what the cat was really doing was licking the milk from around the babies mouth.

I have zero issues with you posting this, be it a cautionary tale or a funny story. I just noticed the time stamp and the fact that it was thirty years ago.
I thought maybe a ferret had awakened you with its incessant gnawing at your ear and it reminded of that one time...:dunno

And cats don't steal your breath, they steal your soul for Satan. Everyone knows that. :x

PS Was the ferret's name Tython?