Federal judge rules the Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a God


Unholy Blasphemies
"It is, rather, a parody, intended to advance an argument about science, the evolution of life, and the place of religion in public education."

“This case is difficult because FSMism, as a parody, is designed to look very much like a religion. Candidly, propositions from existing case law are not particularly well-suited for such a situation, because they developed to address more ad hoc creeds, not a comprehensive but plainly satirical doctrine.”

I don't see a problem here


Staff member
Key item:
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was created in Kansas in 2005 as a way of protesting the State Board’s decision to add “intelligent design” to the science curriculum.

It has since spread across the world and holds among its views that pirates were the original Pastafarians and that they were “peaceful explorers.”

Worshippers are encouraged to wear the religious headgear – a pasta strainer and can become ordained for $25.

In 2011, an Austrian man won the right to wear a pasta colander as his religious headdress in his driving license photo.


Well-known member
But Scientology isn't intended to be a parody to advance anything, it's a violent, money grubbing criminal enterprise praying on weak minds. Aka, a religion.

I'm curious what the origin of scientology meant to L. Ron Hubbard. Did it start as a parody, social experiment, carny scam, or some mix of the above? He and Anton LaVey probably had a lot in common.


The Flying Pasta Monster is fake.

Not like the guy who was mom was impregnated by an all-powerful deity, then he turns water into wine, walks on water, and raise the dead, including himself.


WuTang is 4 the children


Super Moderator
Staff member
I liked this comment:

"You clearly don't grasp the importance of this ruling. If courts can start saying what religion is a religion then there goes the separation of church and state. And the courts will be made to disclaim all religions but the one world religion."

This may open a can of worms.