East Bay/Diablo Valley riders, Thursday 3/29, let’s ride somewhere!

Slow Goat

Fun Junkie
This perfect riding weather demands some mid-week fun!

Looking to meet some of my fellow Diablo Valley (or anywhere, really) BARFers for a run this Thursday through Marsh Creek/Morgan Territory Rds to Mines Road and on to the Junction for Lunch. Maybe through Anderson Valley toward Mt Ham and maybe to the summit, we’ll see what the group wants to do during lunch.

Meet up at the Valero gas station at the northeast corner of Clayton and Kirker Valley roads at 11:00am.
If you’d rather skip the mountain prelude you can meet up at the Chevron on North Livermore - I’m guessing around 12:00.

Ride back via Mines to Livermore where we say our good-byes to scoot home.

This will be a moderately-paced ride (just my 2nd Mines trip), so no speed records will be attempted. :cool

ATTGAT and a full gas tank are recommended.
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Ride Again!
I believe San Antonio Valley Rd. (130), on the back/east side of Mt. Ham is closed Mon-Sat 8-4 til 4/1.