Don't you hate it when...


Well-known member
[Andy Rooney voice]

Don't you hate it when you go to the gym to work out and you get stretched out and ready to start lifting, and all of a sudden you realize that last night you had a bunch of pizza and a few beers? So, you have to stop your warmup to drop the kids off at the pool.

Don't you hate it when you're sitting on the toilet and you think you're finished "doing the deed", so you go ahead and start "clean-up", then all of a sudden you have the last stragglers who have to come flowing out??

Don't you hate it when you're wiping your ass and you find a huge chunk of pineapple from the pizza you ate last night??

Don't you hate it when you're on the last set of your squats and on the way back up, your bowels decide to start moving and you think you're going to lose the rest of your dinner that you thought you had already gotten rid of??

Don't you hate it when you go into the bathroom for the second time at the gym -- but this time you're all sweaty -- and you have to use the regular toilet instead of the handicapped toilet because some jackass is too scared to piss in the urinal?

Don't you hate it when you've put down the seat cover, which the gym has so graciously supplied, and when you try to get up it sticks to you??

Don't you hate it when after a few hours at the gym, you've gone to the shitter twice and you're sore because of all of the clean-up you had to do??

Don't you hate it when someone comes home from the gym and posts disgusting things about how their day went??

[/Andy Rooney voice]




Well-known member
you are a fookin sick bastard, your not riding with me to T-Hill.
that pineapple comment almost made me puke.