Definition of a SMIDSY


Well-known member
Horray for wearing gear

But could have anticipated better. Road with tons of driveways and zero sightlines but they kept going quite fast.

Driver shorts are....well...normal for Europeans

IAmA M0t0r Ridεr

Well-known member
^^^ +1 for high beams in a situation like that. I don't think they were even 15 over the speed limit, if at all. (edit: on you tube they claim were doing 30-35mph. The second bike stopped very fast with no dramas, so that tends to add credence to that).

The low sun was a major factor IMHO. Stop at 11sec, see the tree shades, the steep angle? The sun is behind the riders, so they were very difficult to spot and that played a factor.
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You guys are assuming the driver was actually looking and paying attention but still didn't see the biker. It's entirely possible they weren't focused on driving at all. Distracted driving is very dangerous. This is where the high beam strategy falls apart... the distracted driver won't see what they aren't looking for.

Does riding with your high beam on help?


But you're asking for trouble when you count on it and create a false sense of security for yourself.


Well-known member
Drivers do that sort of thing, its nice to imagine trying to change how most people drive, but that's an impossible goal. The real question is, what could the rider have done differently? Also, a huge +1 on good gear!

IAmA M0t0r Ridεr

Well-known member
Yes, that's the kid the mom goes to console after the crash, she was crying. But on the picture, mom's head is also looking the other way.


The rider and the driver were both over the double yellow. And they must have been drunk because they were speaking in foreign accents.