crash on hwy 1?


Well-known member
I was on the northbay ride today and there was a bike in a ditch with three guys standing near it. i didnt realize it at the time as I was passing a car but others told me there was one bike over the side in a ditch and two other guys helping. I was wondering why they were so far from theyre bikes as it wasnt a logical sight seeing place. anyone from here and hopefully everyone ok??


Modest Max
interesting, i also went on the north bay ride (maybe a different one) but didn't see it

about what time?


Well-known member
oN THE WAY BACK FROM GUALALA after lunch. My name is Tim I was on the Grey Aprilia Futura.
I was with Tim... and I too thought the three dudes were just hanging out on a vista (with two bikes parked about 20 yards from the corner) for some quality sightseeing moment. Gave a wave and they waved back. Guess the "three dudes on two bikes" should have clued us in.