Cleaning motor and pipe, any recommendations?


Well-known member
I spent about an hour cleaning my bike on Sunday after the Snow & Mud fun. It looked really good when I was done til about two hours later when it dried and there was still mudish water spots and grime all over the motor and pipe.

This is the first bike I've had in a long time that I actually wanted to keep clean so washing is kind of a new experience for me. Do you guys have any secrets to getting the motor and pipe spanking clean? I tried to clean the motor with simple green and a toothbrush but even that didn't do much. Also on the inside of my pip there is all kinda of grime caked on that I can not get off. Is there some kind of metal polish that will work for that?

Any help is appreciated for this cleaning newb!


Well-known member
I use Gunk Engine Bright, Spray-off wheel cleaner and a scrub brush. After I de-gunk it I use a normal car wash and go to town with a brush again.

I follow all that up with some moto polish.

For teh ride we did this weekend, it's gonna take another wash before it's all off. BTW, I pulled my plastics to clean it, too.
It's a 'tard not a trophy bike!!! just ride it!:rofl

of course I washed mine too, used car wash stuff, dried it off, came out fine. Yep, removed some plastics/seat to get it as clean as I could. Make sure and drain the air box too if it needs it.

Dion, when is the next ride?
Can we try and top this one?:teeth


Well-known member
Well, I'm meeting up with a guy tomorrow to trade my CR125 for a plated DR430 (big bore DR350). I want to see what the deal is before I plan another crazy dual sport ride.

Suprisingly, the big trails at Metcalf are a ton of fun. Right around the corner and no commitment.

Mike, are you going to Stockton this weekend?
nope, have a family bday party both days in the afternoon....and you know what happens when you're late.:rofl


AARP eligible
Port4mance said:
My shit aint a cheap japanese slut! You gotta take care of the sexy european sluts. :teeth

hey Hey HEY! They're all pink on the inside right? :laughing

I took mine to a powerwash station and blasted the heck out of it being careful near any and all seals and gaskets. Used a shammie and then some spray on polish, looks good as before, but mine isn't a pretty, brand new, swedish thing either.