CHP SGT exam


Well-known member

I am looking for some information regarding the promotion from officer to sergeant. Google wasn't much help.

- From what I understand it is a written exam? How exactly are the questions asked (multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc)? Are there any other parts to the exam besides the written portion?
- What documentation/resources will the questions be based on? The only books I can find are for the PELLET-B.
- What is the name/code of the actual test?
- I've read about the 36 month pay period prerequisite. Are there any others?



AFM #662

I am looking for some information regarding the promotion from officer to sergeant. Google wasn't much help.

- From what I understand it is a written exam? How exactly are the questions asked (multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc)? Are there any other parts to the exam besides the written portion?
- What documentation/resources will the questions be based on? The only books I can find are for the PELLET-B.
- What is the name/code of the actual test?
- I've read about the 36 month pay period prerequisite. Are there any others?


Have you asked one of your Sgt's at your department, Im assuming you currently are a CHP Officer?


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Tests are often agency specific and I have no idea how the CHP test goes...

For my agency though, we have a written exam, as well as an assessment center consisting of oral exercises, written output, and scenario tabletops.

Study materials for us are policies and procedures, legal updates, legal sourcebooks, and operational knowledge...


Well-known member
I don’t think OP is popo. Strange thing (for OP) to ask on a motorcycle forum.

LEO question in the LEO forum. I am asking basic questions on CHP promotions, not knowledge of the interworkings of the CIA.

Tests are often agency specific and I have no idea how the CHP test goes...

For my agency though, we have a written exam, as well as an assessment center consisting of oral exercises, written output, and scenario tabletops.

Study materials for us are policies and procedures, legal updates, legal sourcebooks, and operational knowledge...

Appreciate it. I couldn't find any official study prep documentations for the SGT exam like I could the PELLETB. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't any similar prep documentation floating around out there that escaped me.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
LEO question in the LEO forum. I am asking basic questions on CHP promotions, not knowledge of the interworkings of the CIA.

Appreciate it. I couldn't find any official study prep documentations for the SGT exam like I could the PELLETB. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't any similar prep documentation floating around out there that escaped me.

You could ask for a copy of the promotional announcement or similar, and that may contain suggested study materials... ours does...

Lionel Cosgrove

Well-known member
LEO question in the LEO forum. I am asking basic questions on CHP promotions, not knowledge of the interworkings of the CIA.

It’s oddly specific and instead of calling the CHP, you ask under the cloak of (relative) anonymity on a web forum. So yea, it’s weird.