Car Fire on HWY 17 8-8-2016


Well-known member
I went by a serious car fire on the way home and when I went by it went boom.

I was :ride-ing my Zero home from work on HWY 17 North and I see traffic is stopped ahead. I thought it was more road work. They have been doing a lot of tree trimming lately.

I split lanes and see 2 cars: One is totaled and the other one is on fire and embedded into the guard rail. :shocker It looked like all the occupants were safely out of the cars and moving away.

Traffic was still moving around. When I rode by there was a boom. Not a Hollywood action movie boom, but bigger than lighting a backyard grill boom.

Sorry to the south-bounders. As if your commute was not hard enough.:(

I gave the :mm4l hand signal to the south bound motos to alert them that a big slowdown was imminent.


Can I be....frank?
Hwy 17 is a cursed road. Motorcyclists die on that road. :(

I got stuck in a horrible traffic jam there once, to discover eventually an RV had caught fire and was burning like a bonfire beside the road.


Mr. Dual Sport Rider
Fun road to ride when there's no traffic
I'm guessing that Highway 17 has "no traffic" less often than Niles Canyon does. I think I've had three total rides through Niles Canyon with no traffic in the past 25 years out of hundreds of runs on that road.


Well-known member
If your interested in riding HyWy 17 when there is not traffic Try Christmas morning about 6 am. I kept thinking I wounder if the rapture happens last night and I'm the only person left on earth. :laughing

mean dad

Well-known member
I've done a lot of rides on 17 with minimal traffic.
Not sure I've ever been on when there are no cars at all, but plenty of times with only one or two cars, and those were easily dispatched.
I reverse commuted 17 every day for a year and a half.
Traffic was typically pretty minimal and moto speeds were at the discretion of the right wrist.
Also learned where the CHP typically parked for speed monitoring.

Was involved in one multicar accident during that time.
On my '88 R100GS.
5 cars and me. I was second in line and stopped just short of the car in front of me then was knocked over when the 3'rd vehicle hit the second vehicle and bounced sideways into me. Meanwhile 4'th & 5'th vehicles screeched by to the left of us and collided with center barrier.
When I got knocked over I was laying partially in the right lane with cars still going by as they slowed.
Minimal damage to bike (mostly from dragging it out from under the passenger door of the SUV) and none to me.