Can we ALL just stop being Sanctimonious Assholes?


Where's the kick starter?
I love motorcycling. I love the freedom of it. The immediate, in-the-moment sights, smells and sounds. The visceral feel of the motor revving up and the sensation of speed and power that comes from feeling the the wind rushing past my face.

I'd normally say I love the camaraderie of it. But sometimes certain riders (including myself) get way too goddamn sanctimonious about being a rider. Just for reference:

adjective (derogatory)
making a show of being morally superior to other people.

This article made me think about the realities and consequences of getting too holier-than-thou and trying to pretend to be a moral law enforcement officer...


Guilty and guilty. Don't say shit or demonstrate negatively to people nowadays. Getting clipped by a cager is just the tip of it. You could get shot.


Where's the kick starter?
Do you folks think it's always justified? Most of the time? Only some of the time? What do you think it accomplishes? Do you think you're changing people's minds by pointing out their assholishness? Or maybe, do you just end up making us all look like assholes who think they're better than everyone else? I mean, I know we totally are better and all that shit but seriously, do you think if someone pulled up to you and yelled something at you with a bunch of choice f-bombs, you'd react like, "Thanks bro! I'm totally gonna re-examine my life choices!"


Well-known member
Not sure if it has already been discussed, but I wonder what became of the BMW driver's criminal investigation.


only ones and zeroes
Those people who think they're morally superior are so annoying to those of us who are. :x


Well-known member
If there's one thing humans are good at, it's creating micro niches to demonstrate superiority. Even here on teh brafs you find threads like, "hey, are there any Bulgarian Orthodox K5 riders who've suffered from psoriasis and more than three broken toes in the past calendar year that'd like to get together on tuesday evenings after 7:45pm to ride and then discuss the work of JK Rowling?".