camera on a peregrine falcon, and goshawk


"Scientist conclude that no aircraft invented comes anywhere close" :rolleyes

What a dork, like that isn't obvious.

Video is mindblowing, just imagine the reflexes needed.


Staff member
My uncle raises big birds. He's an absolute slave to those things, but when we go out hunting with them it's easy to see why. Some people get a little squeamish watching them hunt a rabbit or a dove, but that's what they do and they love it. I watched one of his falcons hit a dove so hard that it looked like it exploded--downy feathers everywhere. They're gorgeous, precise killing machines.

Thanks for posting the clip. Incredible!


Totally Tubular
we must be a buncha nerds cuz i was thinking of the speeder bike too.

The point-of-view shots for the speeder bike sequence were achieved by having a camera operator walk through the forest at normal speed with a camera filming at one frame per second. When the footage was played back at twenty four frames per second, it gave the appearance of flying through the forest at high speeds.


Well-known member
In the same "rad birds" file...find the video of the dudes using eagles to hunt wolves. Or the eagles hunting mountain goats.