Bay Bridge Breakfast Barfing: Shamrock Edition 3/2/18


Home of the Pinkstich(tm)
I can ill afford to get sick right now.

Guys. Why are we talking about coffee, when we could be talking about Aaron's pun game?! :rofl

Seriously, though, major gratitude for all the things people bring to these meet-ups. But, most of all, major gratitude for people showing up. I wouldn't have met half my friends in CA if Surj and Dan hadn't started these meet-ups. :love


Do Not Fall off the Bike
I am awake. I need to get to work today. This is on my way there. I suppose I will suffer you fools once more.


Uneasy Rider


Thanks for the tasty bread, Beks. It was way better than the Mission Heirloom weirdness I "enjoyed" at the meeting I went to after.


early morning treasure island bike meet before work sounds splendid. i'll be down if weather permits. Hope to see you guys soon!

Ride safely.


Home of the Pinkstich(tm)


Thanks for the tasty bread, Beks. It was way better than the Mission Heirloom weirdness I "enjoyed" at the meeting I went to after.

My pleasure! I'll give the recipe another shot in time for our next meet (April 6th, y'all!) and substitute butter this time. Because, obviously: butter > vegetable oil. No matter what the recipe calls for.