Bay Bridge Breakfast Barfing: June Solstice Edition 6/1/18


Well-known member
It's that time again. Lot's to be proud of this month, aside from the parade, it's also Nаtіоnаl Candy Mоnth, Nаtіоnаl Dаіrу Mоnth, National Seafood Mоnth and National Iсеd Tеа Mоnth, and the month containing the Summer Solstice, longest day of the year.

What: Stop on your commute for coffee and hang time with fellow Bay Bridge moto-commuters.
Where: NEW LOCATION REMINDER: Treasure Island, near Pier 1 (more or less the intersection of Avenue N and California Avenue).
When: Friday 6/1/18, as long as you can stay between 7-9am. Or whatever. The bulk of people seem to get there between 8 and 9. Even if you end up there by your lonesome, it's a nice way to start your Friday.


Home of the Pinkstich(tm)
I'll be there and will bring something to share. I'm testing out a few new recipes that are a bit healthier than the usual cinnamon bread.

Will aim to be there between 8:15 and 8:30. :)


Home of the Pinkstich(tm)
Well, I ran out of time last night to make food. Will stop at the donut shop that's on the way.