
Free Dickbutt
^ Such a shame, I think I'm getting tired of MW2, might have to give it up for a few months. Anyone else feel the same way??



Not me you bastards. :x

Now that baseball season has started I am relegated to the times my wife isn't home. Otherwise she is watching some game.



I've got a dozen other games I could play right now, but have no desire to. Then again, this is my first ever experience with a multiplayer FPS. My only other experience ever was with Halo, and then, only the single player.


Moab on my mind

Pretty soon we will have 12 online and the the epic BARF vs. BARF private hardcore team deathmatch.

Now that baseball season has started I am relegated to the times my wife isn't home. Otherwise she is watching some game.
I run my 360 on a 24" LCD PC monitor, not a TV.


كافر ლ(ಠ&
Bap, you should play this one game called Fallout 3. It's pretty cool. You can probably finish the game in a couple of hours, but it's a must-play experience...


The Curmudgeon
MW2? Noooo

I was addicted to MW2, then I played Bad Company 2. Holy Sh!T.
Such better online game play, actually takes tactics a team work to get objectives.

Much better game IMO.



Totally Tubular
Please don't let this be a REPOST, my ego can't take it. :(

MW2: the short live action movie. :thumbup

Tribute to COD: MW2
So, it's pretty safe to say video game players love Call of Duty. Last November's Modern Warfare 2 sold quite well, as did its first batch of downloadable content.

But the studio Corridor Digital has taken their affection for the franchise a big step further. They created a 7-minute short film in honor of Call of Duty titled Modern Warfare: Frozen Crossing.

According to a description of the video on YouTube, the studio describes their piece as "an unofficial tribute to one of our favorite game franchises of all time."

The cost to make this film, according to Corridor Digital: $209.42. Considering the size of the budget, the film is really impressive.
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Thats how you stick it!
Last night I was grouped with some great guys and we had domination matches then went back and forth within +/- 5 pts of eachother over and over. Some games must have been over 10 minutes long and I got some over the highest scores I have ever recieved. Heres a screenie of one. :party

good game.jpg

Capt Pie

tried Bad Company 2.. For some reason I really liked the 1st one better. Though the sound is freaking AMAZING, I am not a fan of matches that last 30 minutes. The load out and ranking system is horrible compared to the 1st one, too. I'll return it this weekend after I beat it and pick up Forza 3


That was pretty fun last night, except for the riot shield guys and all the c4 retardedness

And backing out after every round to pick up someone new. :laughing

we need to synchronize our swatches