bad driver gripe, i was driving home......


Lea goes to Slovakia
and 101 was kind of bunged up heading north so i took marsh road to middlefield and to 5th where i could get on el camino.

my commute was almost lengthened when a guy decided to cut into middlefield with a car full of kids. i almost t boned him but he stopped at the last millisecond.

i barely cleared is front bumper. after the drama he tailgates me and flashes his brights. then as he rolled past me he flipped me off, all i saw was a bunch of sad faces in the car's back window where the kids were looking at me.

i so wanted to give this guy an earful but decided not to since his kids were with him and they would never look at him the same again.

this leads me to believe that parents too can make mistakes and leave impressions on their kids that might last a lifetime. obviously this guy was wrong and had something to prove to me but who i really felt he cheated were his kids. they just sat there and looked scared while he was cursing and flipping me off.

i tell ya, that man should have had his "beans" snipped and not have kids. i hope he decides to act his age soon.


Proud Pissant Squid
Sorry about your commute. Monkey see - monkey do. Definitely not "do what I say" anymore - if that was ever the case.

I wonder if this will make those kids better drivers (i.e., not wanting to be like Dad) or just make them think that's the proper way to act on the road.


Lea goes to Slovakia
Cyclesuzy said:
Sorry about your commute. Monkey see - monkey do. Definitely not "do what I say" anymore - if that was ever the case.

I wonder if this will make those kids better drivers (i.e., not wanting to be like Dad) or just make them think that's the proper way to act on the road.

aaaargh! a whole new generation of bad drivers!!!

:laughing :laughing :laughing