Automotive Wheel Curb Rash Repair Recommendations?


I got in a hurry trying to park over the weekend and have rashed a wheel on the FiST. Anyone have any recommendations for local repair shops that do good work? :dunno


Well-known member
Let me know how much it costs.

My wife's car has low profile tires and all 4 rims are rashed up.


From the rumor mill rumblings, it sounds like replacing the wheels will be cheaper. I've found OEM replacements for $189 each, shipped.


No balls...No babies
I don't know where your located but curbside wheel repair in san jose, good work and fair prices we used to use them at the last shop I worked at, also wheel techniques in Santa Clara but there work is kind of hit or miss


Well-known member
Rite-Way Wire and Wheel Specialist in Walnut Creek.

Hella long ago paid $100 straighten a bent wheel and $40 to fix curb rash.
Prices may have gone up in this day and age.