April & April Fools Trivia


Wind free
Got any?

Am part of a group that for fun does trivia contests and I volunteered for April Fools, the next tournament date. And am also including things that occur(red) in April.

So far, I have these Q&A's and looking for lots more!

Who wrote the song "What kind of fool am I?"
Anthony Newly and Leslie Bricusse

Name the "Fool for Love" playwright?
Sam Shepard

Where angels fear to tread, what do fools do?
Rush in.

Play song "Fools Rush In"
Give the band leader and singer's names:
Tommy Dorsey, Frank Sinatra.

Who said: "Fool me once, shame on -- shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again."
George W. Bush

Who wrote: "When we are born, we cry that we have come to this stage of fools"?
William Shakespeare, from "King Lear"

Once the voice of the band Journey, he sang "Foolish Heart" solo.
Steve Perry

What a group of Fools is called.

In Italy, France, Belgium, and French-speaking Canada and Switzerland, an April Fool's day prank often consists of a particular paper animal being taped to someone's back. Name that critter.

Give the proper name for fool's gold.

Who wrote "April is the cruellest month"?
T.S. Eliot

Play the song:
Name this band that covered "Fool on the Hill"?
Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66

In 1965 Vivien Leigh starred in her final movie. Name the movie?
"Ship of Fools"

On April 17, 1906, what happened in the San Francisco Bay Area?
Big earthquake

In Paul Simon's song "April, Come She Will," what is the second line?
"When streams are ripe and swelled with rain"
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Mild Hawg
Foolishly Altered

My lazy father married my mother on Feb. 29, 1952. Yes, a leap year. Less anniversaries to forget.

Did him one better by marrying on April Fool's Day. Yes, it was foolish and a year later was no longer married.



"Insignificant Other"
Not a fool question, but it’s an April question.

What country has a tradition where the women ask to get whipped on Easter Monday?

Czech Republic


Well-known member
Holy cow! You are not joking! It’s true! Even the name of the whip means “fertility whip” in their language.


get it while it's easy
My lazy father married my mother on Feb. 29, 1952. Yes, a leap year. Less anniversaries to forget.

Did him one better by marrying on April Fool's Day. Yes, it was foolish and a year later was no longer married.


my babe and i got married on april 1st also. not really on purpose. we had lived together for years and had no plans to get married (did not see the necessity). received a letter from my dad - 4 hand written pages on double sided 11 x 14 paper explaining how confused he was by our relationship and pleading with us to help him understand. we were both like - ffs - if it matters that much to him... so we decided on a saturday to get married on the following tuesday - which happened to be april fools day (earliest we could manage it - and the one and only time i considered his feelings above my own).

all that said, even though it’s our ‘official’ anniversary, we don’t celebrate it as such. we have a different date that we mark every year. when and why is something we have never said to anyone (nobody’s business but our own).


Well-known member
What kind of fool am I? (Anthony Newly)

Fool in Love (Ike Turner)

Fool on the Hill (The Beatles)

Fool to Love You (John Mayer)


Wind free
Thanks for the input, folks.

Came up with a few more too.

In 1965 Vivien Leigh starred in her final movie. What was it?
"Ship of Fools"

On April 27, 1906, what happened in the San Francisco Bay Area?

In Paul Simon's song "April, Come She Will," what is the second line?
"When streams are ripe and swelled with rain"

The song "A Day in the Life of a Fool" was originally written in Portuguese. Name the movie it was the original score for.
"Black Orpheus"

In the song "A Fool Such As I," made famous by Elvis Presley, why is the singer a fool?
"Because I love you, dear"

Who originally sang "Tears of a Clown"?
Smokey Robinson & the Miracles

Name the great Japanese actor whose hundredth birthday will be this April Fools Day?
Toshiro Mifune