Anyone have space from the Bay Area to Thill for Saturday afternoon/evening?


Well-known member
Hi all, I am trying to be a turnworker for the last AFM round this Sunday, but unfortunately my ride isn't able to make it anymore.

I will be busy Saturday morning, but was originally planning on driving up with a friend Saturday afternoon/evening, camping, then driving back Sunday evening. I live in Berkeley, but would be able to ride somewhere nearby, e.g. SF, Oakland, San Leandro, Vallejo, etc. Just thought it would be too tiring to turnwork all day then ride back. Also I don't have anything to tie down camping gear to my bike yet :/

Does anyone have space for one more person and some of my camping gear? I would be happy to split gas and bring snacks :)
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The Newb of Newbs
Thanks for cornerworking! You might want to try posting in the AFM racers and fans Facebook group as well.

Unfortunately, I am going up Friday night and coming back Saturday night.