

Work In Progress
I'm trying out new baby names as a friend of ours is expecting, what do you think?

Traci Redford said she was boarding a Southwest Airlines flight home to El Paso, Texas, with her 5-year-old daughter when she overheard an airline employee mocking the little girl’s name, Abcde (pronounced ab-city). Now the airline has apologized to the mom and daughter in a public statement.


Whoops, i fucked up mods please change thread title to: Abcde?
Doh, double fuck up, this was supposed to be in the regular KS.
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FN #5
If I had a nickel for every time someone has said to me, “Shannon...isn’t that a girl’s name?” I’d have about a thousand dollars more in my pocket.

If you don’t want your kid to be ridiculed don’t give them a ridiculous name. Or do it with the expectation they will be stronger for it.
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Well-known member
Qwerty didn't used to be a word. Heck, all the words didn't used to be a word. Plus, you gonna piss off some black folks if you don't like made up names. :p


They wouldn't even have used that as a joke in the movie "Idiocracy," that's such a stupid name.

Traci is such a tool I cringed watching her video. "Why are they making fun of my name, mommy?"

"Because not everybody is nice."

No, Traci, they're making fun of her name because YOU gave her a name a retarded person would recognize as an idiotic name worthy of derision.


my family has 4 babies/toddlers

2 boys 2 girls

all starting with C

i think they all planned that htough