A place where we can just hangout? American Canyon/Vallejo/Napa


I'm sure there's a good place to just hangout somewhere here in the American Canyon/Vallejo area. Pls. not Starbucks on Admiral Callaghan,.
Just somewhere we can have good parking and not to crowded, of course, where there is food & drinks close by. I noticed that Starbucks in American Canyon is also not too good of a place to park. Napa is just a little bit of a ride. Any suggestions....
This way, even without posting or calling anyone, if you feel like just going & hanging out, we have a designated place to go to. Just hope that somebody shows up to chat with...
Just a thought...


Well-known member
That's sort of what the breakfast meetings are about. But you can just announce a place and a time and with any luck some folks will show up!


Well-known member
That's sort of what the breakfast meetings are about. But you can just announce a place and a time and with any luck some folks will show up!

Hey rod!!! I thought you were touring across country still?? Where are you?? We miss you!
Next week the breakfast meet up should be back on track!! I think...hmmm..need to look at my calendar...booking up quickly!!



Be Here Now
Am-Can Sucks and this is probably one of the many reason's....

The autozone manager has offered his parking lot as a meeting spot, so there's that.

But Am-Can sucks and I hope they move it to Solano County and clean up Napa's Reputation :rofl


Well-known member
Am-Can Sucks and this is probably one of the many reason's....

The autozone manager has offered his parking lot as a meeting spot, so there's that.

But Am-Can sucks and I hope they move it to Solano County and clean up Napa's Reputation :rofl

Uhhh...don't you mean move it BACK to Solano County????You needed our water rights..and land to build houses on so Napa would not have to rip out vineyards to fulfill its housing starts quotas! So there...you needed us more than we needed you! :twofinger

Will...not sure what your goal is..just a place to meet and hang out...posers type place?? A place to start a ride??

Yeah..we are just so limited on locations here that are not shopping places..



"Will...not sure what your goal is..just a place to meet and hang out...posers type place?? A place to start a ride??

Yeah..we are just so limited on locations here that are not shopping places.."

Yes, like a posers type place, but mainly just to hangout primarily when bored at home.


Does it really matter where someone lives? I think it's the type of people that live in a community that makes a place. Even with that, it doesn't mean that just because someone lives in a reputable community, it also means everyone who lives in that community are of decent people,families or individuals. A place where someone lives does not make a person, esp. when you're a matured person already. it's who you really are, it's who we are and how people will perceive you, me, all of us, as an individual. It's up to us, how we want to be accepted in a group. It's also up to us if we want to be in a group or not. But most of all, I really think that if we want someone to respect us, that other individual would also need to respect him or her in every way, or at least, the best way He / She knows. Without this, a group is not going to work. A group has to work as a team to be able to achieve their goals, without in-differences amongst all.
But all groups, teams, communities, partners, friends have to start somewhere. But without respect, there's really nothing to start with. We all are of the highest intelligence in nature, all humans, so we shouldn't even assume that others are lesser than the other in terms of intelligence, nature, personality, character, abilities, and so fort. Like what people say "You don't know who you're talking to"

I'm not trying to insinuate anything or the like, I'm just expressing my thoughts here. You can take it or leave it.
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Well-known member
Hey rod!!! I thought you were touring across country still?? Where are you?? We miss you!
Next week the breakfast meet up should be back on track!! I think...hmmm..need to look at my calendar...booking up quickly!!


Yep, still touring. Am in Lubbock, TX tonight, heading for Santa Fe tomorrow. :ride

Ride report is on advrider here and is being updated more or less daily. Should be home this coming weekend!


Well-known member
tapioca express in vallejo is somewhat cool theres always plenty of parking, a table or two outside and good drinks,


Fuck off
tapioca express in vallejo is somewhat cool theres always plenty of parking, a table or two outside and good drinks,

We used to have car meets there back in the day. Not really the best place for a buncha bikes or cars to gather. VPD regularly came by. It was annoying.

If you plan on hanging there I suggest not posting on the forum, do it via pm.

Theres quite a few places in Napa to kick it without harassment, just depends whether you want food, coffee or just a spot to post.


Speed Safely!
As others mentioned, just pick a place/date/time, post it up and see who shows up.
Repeat with other nights or venues as needed.
You'll soon get a following in person and/or online with comments and feedback.

Sometimes it's more fun to scout out new locations, other times to pick one and stick with it. :cool

(This thread will be moved soon, as this section is for pre-planned meets with specific dates/times. Them's not my rules, I just work here... :toothless)



Well-known member
hey all...just had a thought the other day for a place...may or may not be what you had in mind..but I went over to the Baskin Robbins near the old Walmart the other day for some icecream..and thought that could be a meeting place. It is not coffee..but is icecream..they do have some bottled/can drinks..or you can even go across the lot to one of the restaurants or to Food Max for a drink. I also was thinking it would be a cool open lot to practice maneuvers together. This is actually the lot where I first took my bike for my first ride on my bike..and Stacey's very first drop! LOL!

ANyway..throwing it out there..maybe an ice cream bike nighht is in order for the summer!!



Be Here Now
I'd be down, always love ice cream, though I don't know about maneuver practice in that parking lot, maybe on the north or north/east side I could see it.... and remember, the autozone guy has offered his parking lot so maybe after they close we could do some figure 8's, I got a can of construction pavement paint that washes right off we could paint ourselves some boxes, whatever. IDK, maybe a couple cone's would work.

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