a beggar in the street

kevin 714

Well-known member
I fucking hate online fundraising like gofundme. for every legit thing theres 50 beggars. drives me insane.

kickstarter has some decent things ive gotten but its killing the comic industry from a creator POV (different topic).

as for a MM gofund me, thats something I would have to think aboput before I write. It's difficult for me to think about donations knowing that in the most controversial race of the year tat was setting record click and comments, he locked his write up. Literally would have broken his record for views and comments and interaction (ad views) he locked it and went silent

Not good business
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Going to agree with Kev's first statement and apply it to MM as well.

A&R has seemingly figured out how to stay a float and not run off begging. Why can't MM?


Well-known member
A&R has more traffic ( Alexa ranked 49k in US ) vs MM ( Alexa ranked 157k in US ). It makes sense to me those traffic numbers because (1) I found MM through A&R since (2) MM seems to focus more on racing vs motorcycling in general so its more of a niche crowd.

Also I count about 7-8 ads on the A&R story pages and 3 on MM. Not sure it matters though, most of their traffic is probably running ad block anyways. People who don't work in the web / blog industry doesn't realize how expensive hosting is and that using ad block is akin to stealing content. It's no different than using torrents.
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kevin 714

Well-known member
Also I'm not trying to decry MM as its a good site that provides good breakdowns. I just think that he made some key mistakes last season that makes me second guess donations. He's a good dude who runs a good site. But asking for handouts kinda sucks.

I'd rather see a kickstarter that offers rewards. Shirts, something like that.


Can I be....frank?
All it takes is one drunk Saudi oil baron browsing the web to see your gofundme....boom you just got a million dollars.

So you gotta put yourself out there.


Can I be....frank?
A&R has more traffic ( Alexa ranked 49k in US ) vs MM ( Alexa ranked 157k in US ). It makes sense to me those traffic numbers because (1) I found MM through A&R since (2) MM seems to focus more on racing vs motorcycling in general so its more of a niche crowd.

Motomatters has kind words for Asphalt & Rubber as well.


Is there dissonance in this forum? Erbody that got barf suspensions for saying stupid shit during the last couple races of 2015, raise your hand. :laughing

As the audience grew, the comments section grew to become a community, generating an incredibly high level of debate, with very little of the dissonance usually seen in what is disparagingly referred to as the bottom half of the internet. The creation of that community is perhaps the achievement of which I am most proud, and why I police the comments section so fiercely. Inside the paddock, the greatest compliments I have received have been about the quality of the comments, rather than the quality of my own work.

kevin 714

Well-known member
^ hard to want to donate when your fishing for paddock praise instead of $$. It's a business, pure and simple. The site is still going to attract mostly cerebral people because of the way he writes. It's not going to delve into full insanity

Why the hell does anyone care what the comments say in the grand scheme of things?
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Well-known member
On most sites I go to, news / ect .. the comment section is the most interesting read. :laughing

But you're 100% right though. Comments == traffic. Folks who comments comes back again and again to continue the discussion thus driving up page view potentially 10-20x what they WOULD have been from the story alone. Its horrible business to turn it off on the biggest story of the year.


Not as fast as I look.
Get on this sh!t, budman! I haven't donated in awhile. And a paying audience is a bizarre concept since the invention of the internet deep hole of giving away everything for free.

I considered a couple of Give Mes and a Kick Start or two. One software company made more in kick start than they grossed with the actual product. :laughing

There are some pretty funny Fund My Ass(es), if you read them all like the dating section of Rollling Stone, or the like. Don't believe that 12 inch crap, is all I am saying. :x


I'd go Patreon over GoFundMe.
As a reward he can and Scott can give out high res images or behind the scene stuff and still do their thing.


Not as fast as I look.
Is there dissonance in this forum? Erbody that got barf suspensions for saying stupid shit during the last couple races of 2015, raise your hand. :laughing
MM has a lot of nerve saying this:
It started as a personal effort, with just a few readers, and grew steadily. As the audience grew, the comments section grew to become a community, generating an incredibly high level of debate, with very little of the dissonance usually seen in what is disparagingly referred to as the bottom half of the internet.
That takes some gall. More than once he has NOT posted my opinion that went against what he was stating. Pretty easy to keep things tidy, if you throw the stuff you don't like out. Like I said, "Don't believe that 12 inch crap", on "Feed me."


General Menace
Staff member
It is a cool site as far as I can see.

Why the OP has a hard on for it I have now idea.
If he is struggling to make a living doing it and looking for support to keep it going why not??

To me that is better than having it folding. :dunno
Not like he emailed with a note saying will write for food.