1337 Auction...the battle continues...


simply lazy today
actually, u'll be amazed that sleepy is a very good artist...
not sure how to paint bike yet, but I'm all in comission to design stickers and whatver on paper...


elite crew
about a year ago. :( i got my license and started riding in 06.
i was barely 18. so you can imagine how uneasy my parents got
every time i tried to take my bike out. so i sold it.

hey Neslie ..... whens the last time you rode ?

half breed

about a year ago. :( i got my license and started riding in 06.
i was barely 18. so you can imagine how uneasy my parents got
every time i tried to take my bike out. so i sold it.

soooo ...... do you have plans to get another bike ride again in the near future ?

Have you ever ridden an R6 ?


Tribu Dei Chihuahua
BARF guys need to go talk to females more at meets or BARF wimmens ought to pimp out the excess males to co workers and family members.