Work is teh suxor friday relief ride! 10.8.10 12:30 KSU


try again fucker
Ride leaves from 76 on Big Basin way in Saratoga at 12:30 pm. Dont get left behind!

Route is generally up to the group.

Generally includes:

Highway 9
Highway 84
Highway 35
Highway 1
Pescadero with a possibility of Stage..

Lunch is determined by the group as well. Semi nub friendly, ride your pace and dont crash. Full gear as a rule of thumb, but its your ass..


For those that head down from San Francisco...

Ride will be departing San Francisco @ 10:45 am sharp.

SF meet

Hyde and O'farrell in front of the Nite Cap bar.

101 to 280

We pull off of 280 at the Woodside road exit and swing through the Park and Ride lot to meet other riders that may be there. Usually at 11:15 am, may run a few minutes late but be there as this is a quick pull off and on.

280 to 85 south

Exit De Anza west

Past weeks have been great. The weather is the best it will be until next season, dont miss out.

HD go pro mounted on my bike and recording, you could be a star!

Lunch up to the group.

Video from faster guys in past weeks:


What up Big James my man. I should be down for this again. Yeee hawwww baby, should be Epic!! Woo Hoo!! Damn, I got carried away there for a sec. Ummmm, count me in??


try again fucker
Stupid fucking job. I've got big wigs in my buildings Friday from 2-3pm. Totally fucking me out of ride time. Rrrrrrrr

I'm out :( but would encourage everyone else to ride anyway. If y'all wanna borrow my camera just come get it!