Thoughts on gear-orient bumper stickers?

Audacious Nick

Predictably unpredictable
Living here in Las Vegas, it is amazing the number of riders we have here who ride with anything more than a helmet and gloves. I can count the number of riders with a motorcycle jacket on my fingers, and I have seen 1 other rider who was wearing a full suit. Even back protectors are a rare item here in the desert.

More to the point:
I was thinking of getting some bumper stickers made with the words "Wear's(if this seems to tacky, then simply use where's) your gear? All the gear all the time" with a motorcycle.

I am not sure how big an impact this would make though.
What are your thoughts on something like this? Would you support this?


bumber srickers porbably won't do much, but it doen't hurt to try. If you reach one rider then that's a win.


Well-known member
Nope. Don't care unless you're a friend or family member. I'm a bigger proponent of bumper stickers that promote motorcycle awareness in general.

I agree with this. If they are not your friend or family member its gonna be hard to convince them. Even when its someone you care about its hard as hell to get them to change their ways, people are generally stubborn because they don't wanna be wrong.

Audacious Nick

Predictably unpredictable
I work in a hospital, and when you get to see idiots coming in on a daily basis because of the lack of gear, you kind of start thinking like a caring human being.


Well-known member
I don't display any personal feelings, preferences or expressions to the public via my clothing or bumper. I don't really care too much about what other people like, and suppose they feel the same way about me.


Well-known member
I work in a hospital, and when you get to see idiots coming in on a daily basis because of the lack of gear, you kind of start thinking like a caring human being.

That kind of thinking, on a daily basis, could very well eat you up.


Totally Tubular
I work in a hospital, and when you get to see idiots coming in on a daily basis because of the lack of gear, you kind of start thinking like a caring human being.

I can't think of any message I would read that would give me pause and cause me to rethink my choices in life. Well maybe . . .

Njy ur ayds. :laughing

Jack the Smack

Well-known member
I work in a hospital, and when you get to see idiots coming in on a daily basis because of the lack of gear, you kind of start thinking like a caring human being.

I came in a hospital a year ago wearing a full leather suit after falling at 70mph. Every doctor and nurse was freaking out about me wearing gear, it made me feel better and also laugh.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I work in a hospital, and when you get to see idiots coming in on a daily basis because of the lack of gear, you kind of start thinking like a caring human being.

i scrape them off the asphalt before they get to you and i don't care... if i did i'd stress out of work...