Sun 10/20 La Honda Fire Brigade Breakfast


This is an opportunity to socialise, but not a 'social gathering'. Come if and when you can.

For past 'clients', future ones, and friends thereof, you know the La Honda Fire Brigade does a jolly good job serving 84, Pesky, Alpine, 35, Stage, 1, Old La Honda, etc. I think they're an entirely volunteer outfit, which make them even more badass.

They'll be hosting their annual Pumpkin Pancake Breakfast this Sunday, 20 October. It's one of their fund raisers.

Fair warning, the food won't blow your socks off. But shaking hands with the women and men that have rescued hundreds of riders is a unique experience.
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Bumping this back to the first page. It's a worthy cause. For some of us it's paying back. For some it's banking karma. Both very classy.