Sturgill Simpson's "Sound and Fury"

Have you seen the movie? Have you listened to the record?
This record came out and I was pretty blown away. Such a departure from his previous material, but still nothing short of incredible.
The "outlaw country" genre has really changed my whole outlook on music entirely, to be honest.


megalomaniacal troglodyte
Staff member
i've heard the single, kinda eh, didn't know about a movie

his previous 2 albums are among my favorites, and if i ever catch the assmonkey that swiped them from my center console i'll probably ask him if he liked the music?

+1 on outlaw country. it isn't even country by popular opinion, which is a good thing. fuck pop country
There's an anime that accompanies the record, on Netflix. It's out there, but damn cool. It's got some elements of Vanishing point, some Kill Bill, some Mad Max, and some solid social commentary.
It's a heavy record.
He was on Joe Rogan and commented that his music sounds like what he hears in his head when he sees the news. It's likely to continue down this path until things change.
His anti-war protest lyrics are pretty intense when you think about his service in the Navy.


Hyper hoñorary
The anime on Netflix is pretty wild ride.

Side note, if you like wild and weird vehicle racing thed anime checkout Redline on Amazon prime.


Sturgill fan here but still lukewarm on the new one. Part of it is the sonics - its so compressed/limited/crushed it's simply hard to listen to. It's so bad I'm not sure if it was an artistic choice or just poor engineering.


Well-known member
I had no idea who he was or what the movie was about when I watched it but it was pretty fuckin' rad!

I also listened to him on the Joe Rogan podcast and that guy is pretty awesome. I've definitely been getting into some of the outlaw country comps on youtube this past year but would otherwise never have listened to much country before that.


Miles > Posts
Spotify just fed me Ronin this week. I was commenting to a friend about the blatantly excessive use of the high-hat was an unwelcome but somehow interesting addition to what I would call a sludgy song (instrumental)
The audio engineering comments are interesting. I don't no hear the compression so much, but the record certainly has a very loud feel. It's certainly not as clean as his previous work, but I can hear the shift in that direction coming in some of the songs from A Sailor's Guide To Earth.
The hi hat part of Ronin is one of my favorite elements. That track accompanies light lane splitting on the freeway well. It's also a good vibe when riding alone at night.