Stonyford logging proposal closes it until 2014


Quote: Originally Posted
As some of you already know, the Mendocino NF issued a public notice on Nov. 20 for comment on the Mill Fire Salvage and Hazard Tree Removal Project. Public comments are due by Dec. 17.

It appears many important connector roads and trails will be closed during logging/treatment. Again, this could mean no enduros in 2013 and possibly 2014.


just for a suggestion you could write by emailing Jeanette
Williams, 825 N. Humboldt Rd. Willows CA 95988, (530)934-1136,

If you would like to volunteer or have more questions you may contact Janelle Taggart at 530-963-1328 or

Please sign a petition online and ask people to go sign it

If you have a website you can add this HTML for a linky

<div style="display:block; clear:both; text-align: left; background: #000 url( no-repeat top left; width: 200px;">
<iframe src="" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" style="width: 200px; height:145px; border:0;" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<div style="text-align:left; font-family:Arial;font-size: 10px; width: 180px; margin-top: -5px; padding: 5px 5px 4px 15px; color: #1697c7;">
<a style="color: #fff; text-decoration:none;" href="">Petition by iPetitions</a>


it's my first petition so constructive criticism welcome , I've never ridden here so it would suck to wait 3 years :(

Nemo Brinker

Tonight we ride
Signed your petition and wrote to Jeanette:

"Hello Jeanette,

I'm writing to express my concerns about the Mill Fire Salvage and Hazard Tree Removal Project proposal.
As an OHV user who has enjoyed Stonyford's many recreational opportunities, I was sad to see it impacted during the 2011 Mill Fire. As a new dual-sport rider, my world has been opened to an astonishing degree by this pursuit--and the forests, hills, and chaparral of Stonyford captured my heart while it challenged my budding skills. For thousands of riders over several generations, Stonyford has remained a wild place with treasured recreational opportunities.

The current proposal, however, instead of helping the forest recover and returning it to its primary users, will close much of the area to riders for logging operations over the next two years. This is not the right land use decision. OHV riders have been helpful in restoring roads and clearing trails, and will continue to do so to help restore the area. Their efforts should be recognized and continued. Also, the logging closures will likely shut down the several competitive enduro events that take place in the forest, which would end a beloved tradition, reduce county revenues, and unfairly impact enduro participants such as myself. Too many riding areas and opportunities are being lost, and I would prefer to see land use decisions that foster responsible OHV use and environmental quality in the wake of the Mill fire.

Please do not prioritize logging, even salvage logging, over the needs and desires of the public, and the management area itself. OHV enthusiasts have lost the bulk of their riding areas in California over the past 20 years, and recently, even more in Northern California have been impacted--the BLM's Clear Creek Management Area is closed, and the future of Carnegie Recreation Area near Livermore is in doubt due to litigation. Put a stop to this pattern, consider the needs of the many families and community members that ride together in Stonyford (as well as financially supporting it with green sticker and registration funds), and re-open Stonyford to riding, not logging."