Q: What are the laws re: vessel registration and canoes?


Well-known member
I have a 12' aluminum canoe that I purchased off CL roughly 8.. maybe 10 years ago. It came with a Minn-kota electric motor and paddles, etc.. I have had it out on private property, but I was considering taking it camping (to a creek and a US Army Corp. of Engineers lake up north) for fishing and I was wondering about vessel registration.

When I purchased it, the seller told me canoes were exempt from vessel registration and navigational lighting requirements.

Well, I don't know if he was 100% correct and I don't know if the laws have changed (as I don't have life vests either) and I wanted to be in compliance with the law before I go out.

I searched online for canoe laws (both in CA and on the USCG site) and if there are special laws or exemptions, they certainly aren't easy to find!

So, I was hoping someone here may be experienced and knowledgeable in this area (LEO or not) and could advise and point me to some tangible resource for documentation to back up their explanation. I guess a "10 things every California canoe owner should know.." would be too easy, right?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Well-known member exmptions to titling and registration: Manually propelled vessels (i.e. canoe, kayak)
I am an avid kayaker.
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The following vessels do not have to be registered in California:

Vessels propelled solely by oars or paddles.
Nonmotorized sailboats that are eight feet or less in length.
Nonmotorized surfboards propelled by a sail and with a mast that the operator must hold upright.
A ship’s lifeboat (a dinghy is not a lifeboat).
Vessels currently and lawfully numbered (registered) by another state that are principally used outside California.
Vessels brought into California for racing purposes only (exempted only during races and tune-ups).


Well-known member
Boats are covered under the Harbor and Navigation code.
Canoes don’t need registration unless a motor is added (Don't really know if a small fishing trolling motor counts). Must have life jacket for each person and lights if operating at night.



Well-known member
Okay, so my question now would be as to whether I am required to register my canoe if I will be using a dinky trolling motor?



I have a 16' Willie drift boat that isnt required to be registered.I occasionaly will use a long shaft electric.I asked a DFG Warden the same question and he told me as long as oars are my main propulsion its all legal.

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Well-known member
Stupid question, how much IS registration?
$9 for initial reg and $20 for 2 years after that.

It is not the $$, it is wanting to know what is required by law. Also, some of the places I plan to go, require the CF # be listed on the camp registration or the hunting permit. If no CF # is req'd, I'd like to put n/a on the form, but I wanted to know if it really was n/a.

Also, if I register it, I'd need to affix the hull numbers and sticker, again, not the $$, but I was considering refinishing the canoe this summer. I don't want to put new stickers on in the spring, then have to remove them to paint or refinish the hull, then have to replace them. Just a PITA, particularly if it is not necessary.

FWIW, the oars are my PRIMARY method of propulsion. The electric motor is used sparingly and I have never run the battery down to dead. But, motor is convenient while fishing and maneuvering, particularly if I am solo.


Ive done a lot of camping with my drift boat.I just put the make and model of my boat if they ask for a cf# never had a problem.


I have seen boats with the CF numbers on a flat board, which is then attached to the boat. Our local harbor patrol does not seem to care.