PSA - Marin Century, 8/3/19


Adverse Selection
Just a heads up for any of you who plan to ride Marin on Saturday, it's the Marin Century, meaning that there will be lots of bicyclists, and more than the usual numbers of LEO's on some of your favorite Marin roads (e.g., Marshall-Petaluma, Hicks Valley, Chileno Valley, Hwy 1, etc.). You might want to delay until Sunday.


Dogs best friend
Thanks Hun.
Yes, there will be thousands of bicycles and cops on West Marin roads this weekend.
It won't look much different than any other weekend. :laughing


Well-known member
Also be advised they are still working on that 2100 gallon fuel spill off of Lucas VAlley Rd. Marin is no bueno for the weekend.