Pitbull front stands


I am currently considering getting a pitbull front stand for my motorcycle. Specifically I am considering the hybrid headlift (lifts with a pin in the lower triple tree):


or the hybrid dual lift (lifts as above or from the forks):


I was wondering what other peoples experiences are, and if anyone had a compelling reason why the hybrid dual lift would be more beneficial than the hybrid headlift.

I'll be using it on a CB300F.

Thank you for your input.


Numbers McGee
I love the headlift front stands. The dual lift would allow you to use it on just about any bike without needing a pin for it. Otherwise you'll need to make sure you have the proper size pin for the bike you're wishing to lift. If you only have one bike and never plan on using it to help a friend or anything, then the dual lift isn't really necessary. However, I can't think of a reason it would really hurt to have.
Always good to have options, I have the hybrid dual lift and like having the option of lifting from the forks for a tire change and basic maintenance.


I have both a rear stand and the dual lift front for my hyper. You can't go wrong with the Pitbull stands. They are expensive but, they are super high quality and made to last a lifetime.


A note of caution. If you use the stand that lifts from the bottom of the forks, make sure it's a good stout stand. Pretty sure Pit Bull is. I have one that, when I removed the front wheel, the stand flexed a little bit, bringing the forks in just a tad. Was almost impossible to get the front wheel back on. Much swearing and prying ensued. Now I use a Pit Bull head stock lift stand. Much better.
