Phone service choices--someone other than AT&T?


Staff member
I have an existing landline, but had to do something funky and needed a new phone number. AT&T said giving me a new one wouldn't be a big deal. Well, it's been three weeks, gobs of phone calls, guys coming out to check on the line and still I don't have phone service to the house. I'm just about at my wits' end after getting transferred four times this morning and eventually getting disconnected (the irony...) after trying to get someone to help me with this for 20 minutes. I tried logging a complaint online and the website doesn't allow me to do so. Tried online chatting with a guy and he says that I need to call the phone number. I'm done. Sooooooo done.

I live in Oakland. What are my choices for a landline, if any?



Pink Freud


Pink Freud
I have my land line bundled with Comcast (phone/internet/cable) so that might be an option. Sounds clear, no issues.


Staff member
I only have internet (no cable) but that might be an option. I have the feeling that they're going to suck just as much, but generally new customers are treated better than existing. I seriously don't know what else to do. Every time I get on the line with one of these yahoos, it's like a whole new time-wasting adventure.
I only have internet (no cable) but that might be an option. I have the feeling that they're going to suck just as much, but generally new customers are treated better than existing. I seriously don't know what else to do. Every time I get on the line with one of these yahoos, it's like a whole new time-wasting adventure.

Why not go VoIP?


Throttle Pusher
Isn't Compacst "VoIP" in the original sort or another?

p.s. Oaklmaond... = third world ?!?!?!? Just wondering for phone lines.


Well-known member
Land line for what reason? Just curious. How often do you plan on using it versus your cellphone? I would just use Skype or Hangouts.


Its Dethklok!
I know at my office att is the only thing available. All the utilities are underground and its about $5K to get someone elses service trenched in. Bastards.
Comcast and ATT if bundled is VoIP.

yes, but you don't need to go through them as your provider

there are 3rd party options out there.

But DH indicates she wants a "landline" not sure if she's aware of other options that function similarly.


Staff member
I have VoIP already. The landline is there just for emergencies and my old security system. Already checked on options but a landline is what needs to stay. It really isn't a big deal. I just need a new phone number for my existing landline and AT&T can't seem to get it together.


WuTang is 4 the children fusion service

I have 20mbit DSL and a landline with unlimited calls to the US and Canada for $40 a month


Throttle Pusher
I actually thought you wanted a second landline wired to the house.

for the existing one, oh well, wait for AT&T--hehe kinda funny that they can't give you a new number . :rolleyes gee I wonder why. How about switching the AT&T LL contract from your name to s.o. name?

finally you can of course pay a Third party to give you phone & internet service over the existing Landline but that is more $$ . what Wazzu posted. Whereas of course he's forgetting that it's actually $59 fusion service

I have 20mbit DSL and a landline with unlimited calls to the US and Canada for $40 a month