Phil Jenkins OHMVR Division Chief Retires


Staff member
From Mr Jenkins:

Today I sent the following note to my friends and peers in State Parks:

After spending my entire childhood and almost all of my adult life affiliated in one way or another with State Parks, I am announcing my retirement effective immediately.

My first job in a State Park was at age 13 when I worked at the Big Sur Lodge concession as a lawn boy and dishwasher. In 1975, I joined the state payroll when I became a trail crew member at Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area as part of the Youth Conservation Corps. After high school I joined the Air Force, and four years later while in college I returned to State Parks. Throughout my career I have worked as a park aid, maintenance aid, park interpretive specialist, ranger, maintenance chief, superintendent, and for the last ten years, Chief of the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division.

I fondly remember my dad also working as a State Park attendant, then later as a maintenance worker and eventually a ranger, superintendent and deputy director. I certainly will never forget the day he pinned my badge to my chest. We all have histories with the system, some longer and some shorter, but all are valid and worth sharing. I’ve seen Parks go from regions, areas and districts, back to regions, and then back to districts. I recall countless budget discussions when we didn’t have enough money to survive and other times when we had too much.

Times change and State Parks will change as well. It is tempting at times to want things to be “just like they were in the good old days," but the past is the past: honor it, learn from it, and then move on. Change equals opportunity, so grab on with both hands and don't let go until you have told your story, shared your vision, and participated in making State Parks a better organization - the kind of place where you would want your kids or relatives to work.

As many of you may know, I have spent a good portion of the past year caring for my dad, who died in March after a long struggle with Alzheimer's. Shortly after that I suffered a series of major heart attacks. I am truly grateful to everyone in the OHMVR Division who willingly stepped forward and took on extra duties while I dealt with these personal issues.

I will forever treasure the friendships I have made while at Parks and all the good work we have done. This combination makes the decision to retire from this organization in which I have spent most of my life very difficult. It’s been a joy and honor to work in California State Parks. May the core of what we do - taking care of Parks and taking care of the Park visitor - never change.


Phil Jenkins
OHMVR Division Chief
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